Amazing Pure Organic Barley Powdered Drink
PHP 1,000
Amazing Pure Organic Barley is a health food supplement that contains the extract juice of young barley leaves. It is imported from Australia and comes in both powdered juice and capsules form.
19 amino acids are in Amazing Pure Organic Barley including all 8 of the essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building block of proteins, which are essential for continual cell building and regeneration as well as energy production, immune function, and detoxification.
It also contains a number of living enzymes and flavonoids that function as potent free radical scavengers. These compounds make Amazing Pure Organic Barley a great nutritional supplement that provides antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Our barley is actually 20% protein, which is approximately the same amount of protein found in the same quantity of lean beef.
Studies verify that it is very beneficial. Nutritionally, it is great for many health problems.
Recent studies have also shown that the juice extract from barley helps in delaying the natural human aging process, helps maintain a youthful glow and healthier looking skin.
What is Barley Grass?
Scientific name: (Hordeum vulgare)
Barley is been used as a medicine since 7000 B.C. in the treatment of skin, liver, blood, and GI disorders. Gladiators ate barley for strength and stamina.
Barley grass are the young (gluten-free) grasses of the barley plant. They are different from the barley grain that grows on the same plant and do contain gluten.
It is usually harvested about 200 days after germination, when the shoots are less than a foot tall. Barley grass has greater nutritional value if harvested at a young age.
Barley grass is also a rich provider of powerful antioxidants and essential amino acids and beneficial enzymes.
Barley grass supplies the valuable fiber to the body and does not offer any harmful cholesterol.
Nutritional Value
Barley is a multi-nutrient rich superfood loaded with vitamins such as:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol)
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
It contains an abundance of electrolytes such as:
Along with other essential minerals such as:
Why our Amazing Pure Organic Barley?
The Amazing Pure Organic Barley Grass is the highest quality of barley grass powder available.
It contains all-natural barley grass juice. The barley grass in Amazing Pure Organic Barley is grown in organic conditions and harvested at peak nutrient density.
To preserve the live enzymes in the barley grass it is freeze-dried.
It contains alkalizing nutrients which balance the body’s pH levels.
The Amazing Pure Organic Barley Green Powder is 100% pure barley green.
This product has not been heat-treated; thus, it remains enzymatically active.
It contains NO yeast, maltodextrin or preservatives.
It is not diluted, so it provides the maximum concentration of the naturally chelated colloidal alkaline minerals so vital to health. Other barley products may be diluted up to 40% by maltodextrin and brown rice which means they may be 40% less effective than Amazing Pure Organic Barley in alkalizing the body.
Health Benefits
It brings relief in a range of health conditions discussed as under:
Antioxidant Power
⤷ Barley grass has an impressive antioxidant wealth. Along with vitamin E and beta carotene, barley grass is the most potent supplier of healthy and critical enzyme superoxide dismutase which helps neutralize the effects of oxygen free radicals which are produced during energy metabolism. The protective act of these valuable radical scavengers prevents the development of a wide array of diseases caused by oxidative stress.
Acid-alkali balance
⤷ Barley grass beneficially contributes in establishing the acid alkali balance of the body attributing to its super alkaline nature. It is a natural alkaline source which helps in reducing the excess acidity in the body which may cause acidosis damage. Imbalance of acid-alkali in the body may lead to problems like sleep disorders, cardiac pains, fatigue, constipation and fragile fingernails.
⤷ Barley grass is effective against cancer owing to the power of superoxide dismutase enzyme. It has preventive as well as curing reaction against the cancer cells which also attributes to the presence of other remedial components such as peroxidase protein and catalase enzyme. Catalase enzymes present in barley grass have the ability to decompose and neutralize the effects of toxic hydrogen peroxide which is produced during respiration and help suppress the proliferation of cancer cells.
Cleansing & Detoxification
⤷ Barley grass is a wonderful natural detoxifier. The cleansing ability of barley grass is even effective in eliminating the accumulated harmful heavy metals including lead which may cause behavior and learning disorders particularly in kids. The major contributors behind the act of detoxification are trace elements zinc, selenium and copper. Furthermore, abundance of chlorophyll and beta carotene in barley grass stimulates the eradication of waste materials such as mucus and crystallized acids. It also supports the metabolic processes and aids in strengthening and detoxifying the liver.
Fights Addiction
⤷ Barley grass is also an effectual remedy for fighting various kinds of addictions. The presence of glutamic acid in barley grass inhibits the craving for harmful materials such as alcohol, coffee, nicotine, drugs and even sugary sweets.
Protection from radiation and cellular damage
⤷ Another beneficial effect of barley grass is its protective act against the cell destructing effects of UV radiations. It helps prevent as well as extends therapeutic relief on the existing damaged cell owing to the presence of superoxide dismutase enzymes. Regular consumption of barley grass juice aids in reducing the radiation stress in the people who are more prone to such exposure such as population in urban and large cities. It also acts defensively against the effects of radioactivity and even renews the cells and tissues damaged by radioactivity. This contributes to the presence of chlorophyll content which improves the resistance to radioactivity and also encourages the production of new blood cells. For this reason, it is generally recommended to drink barley grass juice prior and post exposure to x-rays to provide a shield against the radioactive damages.
Rejuvenating Effects
⤷ Barley grass is a natural way to stimulate the regeneration of cells without any side effects. Vital components such as chlorophyll, vitamin B, iron and phycocyanin, a blue pigment in barley grass, inspires the bone marrow and supports in the creation of white and red blood cells. This renewing effect of barley grass also helps prevent the signs of aging by rejuvenating the aging cells and helps maintain healthy and youthful skin. The useful enzymes present in barley grass improve the quality of blood, regulates digestion and works as a rejuvenator tonic for the entire body.
Strengthening the immune system
⤷ Barley grass supports in boosting the immune defense mechanism of the body. Regular consumption of barley grass provides the required nutrition which is necessary for balancing the optimal production of immune cells in the body. Effective and strong immune defense vigilantly fights infections and prevents the development of fatal diseases.
Ulcerative Colitis
⤷ Barley grass is valuable in treating ulcerative colitis attributing to its stimulating effect on gut friendly bacteria. It helps in alleviating the inflammation and other associated symptoms implicated in ulcerative colitis by reducing the provocative chemicals in the bowel. Barley grass also assists in balancing the fluidity in the bowel and helps eliminate accumulated toxins from the body.
How It Works
An antioxidant called alpha-tocopherol succinate – a potent relative of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) may be responsible for much of the plant’s anti-tumor action, according to Allan L. Goldstein, Ph.D., head of the biochemistry department at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C., who has studied barley grass. Though its mechanism is unknown, alpha-tocopherol succinate seems to inhibit several types of cancer, including leukemia, brain tumors, and prostate cancer. According to Yoshihide Hagiwara, M.D., a researcher in Japan and author of the book “Green Barley Essence” (Keats, 1985), barley grass helps cure skin diseases and ulcers by promoting the growth of new cells. It is not known exactly how this happens, although barley grass is high in chlorophyll, an antibacterial green pigment.
There have been no clinical trials of barley grass. In an experiment at George Washington University, Goldstein and his colleagues exposed leukemic cancer cells to dehydrated barley grass extract. The extract killed virtually all of them. Encouraged, the researchers then subjected brain cancer cells to the extract. It eradicated 30 to 50 percent of these cells. In a third trial, the extract inhibited the growth of three types of prostate cancer cells by 90 to 100 percent. Compare Curing Massive Cancer With Green Barley Pills. In Japan, where barley grass extract is popular, there is anecdotal evidence that it helps the body heal from many illnesses. In one informal study, a Japanese dermatologist observed a group of 7.5 patients with skin diseases ranging from melanosis (darkening of the skin) to eczema. The patients who took barley grass extract healed faster than did those who did not. They also noticed improvements in appetite and bowel regularity.
Instructions Of Use
It’s best to take it on an empty stomach, either 20 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after, so that the nutrients can be assimilated easily without the presence of other foods.
Empty sachet into a glass of water. Make sure you use either cold or room temperature liquids, as hot liquid will break down the living enzymes in the barley.
Drink within 20 minutes of preparing, active enzymes of barley die after that. You can also drink 1 glass of water after.
For daily maintenance only: 1 to 2 sachets a day.
For people battling an illness or recovering people: 3 sachets or more a day.
Since this is a food supplement, there is no limit to the amount taken.
It may be taken along side any prescribed medication. Except, blood-thinners.
There is no side effects or contradictions.
No sugar or sweeteners.
Safe for pregnant women and may be taken by all ages.
We encourage you to include this product in your lifestyle to experience an overall strengthening and invigorating effects on the entire body. We also advise to consult your doctor first.
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